SCAR’s Cat Desexing Program is currently closed.
Every year, thousands of healthy cats and kittens are euthanised in pounds across Australia due to a lack of available homes. Cats can begin breeding as early as 4 months old and can produce up to three litters each and every year!
Why Desexing Matters:
- Desexing is a crucial step in reducing the number of unwanted animals. Studies show that desexed pets tend to live longer, healthier lives. The benefits of desexing your cat include:
- Preventing unwanted litters
- Lowering the risk of certain cancers, potentially extending your pet’s lifespan
- Reducing the likelihood of your cat roaming away from home
- Improving behaviour, making them less of a nuisance in the community
- Offering discounts on Council pet registration fees for the life of your cat
- And much more!
The SCAR Community Animal Hospital is a fully equipped veterinary clinic dedicated to providing affordable veterinary care to local pet owners. By offering subsidised desexing procedures, we aim to break the cycle of animal homelessness and ease the burden on shelters across Victoria.
Our Cat Desexing Program is available at a reduced cost for both male and female cats. Each cat will receive desexing, microchipping, and vaccinations, along with potential extras like free Council registration. Spaces are limited, so be sure to book your cat’s appointment as soon as the program is available!

More Info!
1. Eligibility and Service Provision:
- Cats must be between 8 weeks and 9 years old
- You must be the legal owner of the cat
- Cats should be healthy on the day of surgery. If our veterinarian identifies any health concerns, you will be contacted to pick up your cat and reschedule the procedure for a later date.
2. Location:
The SCAR Community Animal Hospital is located at
3. Additional Services:
- Elizabethan collar: $10
- Elizabethan collars or E. Collars are plastic or fabric hoods or cones placed around the head. These are used to prevent your cat from licking or chewing on their sutures or surgical site during the healing process. It is natural for animals to lick their wounds, but this can seriously delay healing or result in infection and/ or injury. It is important that a protective E. Collar is used, especially when the cat is unattended and could inadvertently injure themselves.
- Second Chance Animal Rescue will not cover the costs of any further veterinary appointments or subsequent treatment/surgeries if your cat is not wearing an E.Collar after their surgery, resulting in the surgical site becoming infected or damaged.
- Flea Treatment: $10
- Worming Treatment: $10
- Nail Trim: $5
4. Admission and Discharge
When you book, you’ll select an admission time between 8:10 AM and 9:10 AM. Please ensure you arrive on time to help us keep our schedule. Discharge times will be communicated via phone once your cat’s procedure is complete, and all animals must be picked up by 5 PM.
5. Important Information
- All cats will receive a small tattoo in the left ear for identification.
- Cats must be transported in a secure carrier to and from our clinic.
By booking, you consent to proceed with the desexing procedure if your cat is found to be pregnant. If you have concerns about possible pregnancy, please contact our clinic at (03) 7002 6649 for a pre-surgical consultation, which is an additional cost (approximately $99 for consultation and ultrasound).
SCAR’s Cat Desexing Program is currently closed.
We will be opening new spaces as soon as funding is available, so make sure you check back here regularly, or keep an eye on our Facebook Page for further announcements. Thank you for your patience!