
Being a non-profit community animal shelter, we rely heavily on our amazing volunteers to help keep our daily operations running smoothly and our doors open to the public. We are always on the lookout for new dedicated volunteers to join our organisation and help us to continue our important work for the animals in our community.






However, taking the time to volunteer in our animal shelter not only helps us, but it also has many other hidden benefits for you, which include:

  1. Meet new friends. You will be surrounded by other people who love animals as much as you do, and they might even become your lifelong friends. This widens your social circle and incorporates compassionate people who share your interest in helping animals.
  2. Your efforts will help an animal get ready and increase their chances for a new home. Every animal coming into the shelter will have different needs, a timid feline may need help to feel safe and come out of its shell; an excitable pup might need assistance with training to help teach them some manners. Animals that appear happy and healthy have a higher chance of being adopted, and we need your help to achieve this.
  3. Boost your mood and your health. Volunteering gives people a sense of satisfaction for helping others, can lower stress levels, make you feel needed and appreciated, increase happiness and so much more. A recent study showed that 95% of volunteers surveyed said they gained a “helper’s high” — a feeling of euphoria and energy. Volunteering truly is a feel-good activity, and what better way to spend the day than with furry friends?
  4. Gain experience. Whether you’re helping in reception, walking a dog or cleaning a pen, you are gaining experience in many areas that can have great benefits in other areas of your life. Young adults can become better acquainted with animals, experience a set schedule of responsibilities, and gain a reference for an employment or college application. Working adults may include it on their resume or incorporate animal shelters into their work-related events and charitable causes. Someone who is unemployed can get a boost of self-esteem and confidence by being part of a vital team while looking for work.
  5. Trying something new is fun! A new activity can be exciting and a change of pace for a mundane or repetitive schedule. Why not make that something new be volunteering? You will gain a host of other benefits and the rush of happiness when a pet you helped gets a new home!
  6. Stay active. Being a volunteer keeps your mind, body and emotions active and healthy. Sitting at home on weekends in front of a television can get boring and leave many of your talents unused. Volunteering that time instead keeps you thinking, moving and feeling, and can help increase physical mobility.
  7. Become part of a very important team. We need money and people to stay open. You could be that one extra set of hands that helps another pet get adopted, help us to collect another donation or encourages a new person to volunteer. The animals keep coming through the door and more people are needed every day to help us continue to save lives.

Volunteering can be a long-term commitment and may not always be easy or convenient, but if you can stick with it, volunteering with animals is one of the most rewarding experiences available. All it requires is a little dedication and a whole lot of love.

Ways you can volunteer

Shelter Volunteers

We are looking for hardworking, passionate and confident animal handlers to assist us with the care and upkeep of our homeless animals at our shelter in Craigieburn, Victoria. We can offer a happy shelter environment with lots of learning opportunities for people wanting to learn more about animal care/welfare and a fun team-orientated environment where volunteers get lots of hands on experience.
We need YOUR help to save the lives of homeless cats and dogs throughout Victoria - can you help?

How to Apply?

Fill out our Volunteer Application Form!

Volunteer Drivers

Those willing and able to volunteer their time & vehicle to drive critters and items for SCAR please apply. Any equipment and training you require will be provided. Drivers for SCAR will be greatly helping or foster careers, outreach programs and community members, including our cats and dogs.
Must have own vehicle, license & registration.

If you would like to become a volunteer driver, please fill out the application form via the link below:


Tin Rattler

You do not have to have previous experience to help with our monthly highway collections. These collections are a lot of fun and make such a BIG difference to SCAR and all the animals that will be helped because of the money raised. As a non-profit charity, we rely solely on the kindness and generosity of others (both time and money) to continue the important work that we do, so if you can spare a few hours a month to help out with these collections please contact us via email by clicking the link below:


Admin Volunteers

At Second Chance Animal Rescue our administration volunteers support our administrative manager in the daily administration tasks that are required. Our administration volunteers take on so many tasks, they get a 360 view of what our organisation is really like and become the backbone of SCAR. Whether you’re figuring out your career path or you want to invest time in changing the animal welfare world, admin volunteering is a great place to start. As we provide ongoing training for all of our volunteers we ask that our administration volunteers commit to a minimum of weekly or bi-weekly shifts.

If you would like to become an admin volunteer, please email by clicking the link below:


Foster Carers

Becoming a foster carer for SCAR allows us to continue to find homes for animals that may be in need of a little extra care and is an incredibly rewarding experience. It can be a challenging role but one that will give you the sense of fulfilment in knowing that you have helped an animal by giving them a new start to a better life. Fostering also is a fantastic way for you to enjoy a cat or dog’s company if you are not in a position to make a lifetime commitment right now. 

Learn More About Fostering

Volunteer of the Month

Every day, our passionate and eager team of volunteers go above and beyond for the animals in our care. Their love and support towards all that we stand for at SCAR never falters no matter what the day throws at them! Each month, we want to celebrate one of these special superheroes for their tireless enthusiasm, hard work and dedication by awarding them the ‘Volunteer of the Month’ award.

November 2021

The super lovely Navin was awarded Volunteer of the Month for November due to his the enthusiastic way he always seeks out new learning opportunities at the shelter. Aside from being extremely friendly, dedicated and kind, Navin is always taking on more responsibility and showing really great initiative. He is a part of our Volunteer Buddy Program and is super dedicated to all the animals in our care. Thank you so much, Navin! We cannot wait to watch you turn into a world-class Vet one day!

December 2021

December saw us award, not one, but two of our special volunteers with the coveted Volunteer of the Month award - the Brother / Sister Dream Team of Matt and Nicole! If you've ever visited our Free Pet Food Pantry, then you may recognise these two as they are nearly always there, managing things and greeting everyone with a warm smile. We're not sure how our pantry would function without them anymore! Not only are Matt and Nicole two of the loveliest people to work with, they are also incredible helpful, dedicated and hardworking. Thank you, Matt and Nicole, for your endless support! We appreciate you so both much!!

January 2022

January's Volunteer of the Month was an easy one to award, and it went to the very deserving Shona! While relatively new to SCAR, Shona has quickly become an essential member of our Volunteer Squad! When so many of our team were unable to come in for their regular shifts due to illness or being on holidays, Shona stepped up and happily came in for MANY extra shifts! She made the days when we had very limited volunteers and staff members seem a lot less hectic due to her incredible help! Shona is hardworking, efficient and reliable, and we are so happy to have her on board with us! Thank you, Shona, for everything you do!

So, from all of us at SCAR, THANK YOU, to these amazing individuals, for being the incredible, caring and hardworking people that you all are! For donating your time, and for all that you do for our shelter, the animals in our care and for all of us as a team! You are all awesome!


What should I wear when volunteering?

As you will be representing SCAR we ask our volunteers to wear neat and presentable clothes that you don’t mind getting fur on or getting dirty. For safety reasons please wear closed toed shoes and no skirts or dresses to be warn whilst volunteering.

What do I have to do when I volunteer at the SCAR shelter?

There are many different jobs that you will undertake when volunteering at the SCAR shelter. Cleaning, dog walking, cat socialising, administration assistance, animal training and enrichment, each day is very different and will see you learning lots of interesting things about animal welfare. We have events which often require volunteers also such as adoption days, council pet expo’s and the Melbourne Dog Lovers Show.

How old do I have to be to volunteer at the SCAR shelter?

At least 16 years of age.