
Another close call for Pancake…

After Pancake’s last emergency operation where we removed her terribly infected uterus, we hoped that would be the last time that our sweet mum of 6 would head into surgery. However, this brave cat found herself back at SCAR once more in mid-October when her health took a serious decline once again.

After receiving a concerned message from Pancake’s Foster Carer (FC), Marisa was immediately worried. Her temperature had spiked to 41°C and the painful rash and mastitis that Pancake had developed only a few days prior had become so terribly infected. So much so, that when Pancake’s FC had walked in to feed the little family, she found not only Pancake but all 6 kittens completely covered in the discharge from Pancake’s wound.

Pancake was brought down to the SCAR Community Animal Hospital immediately where she was met by Marisa and Dr Kylee, who had come in where they performed an emergency mastectomy to remove the infected breast tissue. A drain was inserted to stop fluid collecting under the surgery site and prevent further infection.

It was a long and worrying procedure, but Pancake, our little trooper, made it through and spent the rest of that weekend at Marisa’s house in intensive care, for the second weekend in a row!

Pancake remained in Marisa’s care over the next few weeks where we continued to keep a close eye on her, monitoring her vitals to ensure that she didn’t require further surgery. Her temperature dropped down again, and she started eating and taking her medication without any fuss.

Despite all that has been thrown at her, Pancake just kept fighting!

To aid in her recovery, we decided it would be best for Pancake to split her litter in 2 and give her the best chance of healing over the next week or so. Therefore, Pancake’s bigger and stronger bubs stayed with their fantastic FC to be bottle-fed, while the 3 smaller kittens remained with Pancake. However, eventually all 6 kittens were placed into FC to allow this poor mum the best chance to rest, heal and recover.

When we first rescued Pancake, we honestly thought the hardest thing this 1-year-old cat would have faced would be the birth of her 6 kittens at such a young age. But sadly, as you have seen, over only the last four weeks, this sweet cat has encountered so many serious medical conditions – from a nasty uterine infection, extremely painful mastitis, a painful skin irritation in the same area and also finding out that she has Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV). Now, this mother of 6 who is barely an adult herself, has undergone not only one emergency surgery but two!

After two weeks of recovery following her second emergency surgery, Pancake seems to be finally on the mend!  She has had her stitches removed and has been reunited with all 6 of her kittens who are all thriving and doing well – thanks to their dedicated foster carer! Her babies are now being weaned on to solid food and if all goes to plan, they will be desexed in a few weeks and will be ready to start looking for their new homes very soon!

We really hope that this will be the last of Pancake’s medical problems for a while and that she too, can head off to find her loving home where she can rest and relax as she deserves after having been through so much! 

Thank you to everyone who has supported our brave little battler, Pancake so far by donating towards her care! Every cent has gone towards making sure she and her babies are well taken care of. If you would like to donate towards the care of this little family, please click the link below. 

Donate to save animals just like Pancake & her kittens

All donations over $2 are tax-deductible.

Pancake’s story is the perfect example of the importance of desexing your pets… if Pancake was desexed in the first place she would not have had to suffer through this ordeal. To book your pet in for desexing, contact our Vet Clinic today or read more about our Cat Desexing Program.



Kennel Sponsorship Contact

Paws At Work Registration Form

If you are interested in taking part, please complete the following registration form, and we will add you to our waitlist to be contacted for the next available round of dates.
Group Organiser's Name *
*50% fee for cancellations within 14 days of your booking. 100% fee for cancellations within 7 days of your booking.

Corporate Volunteering Registration Form

If you are interested in taking part, please complete the following registration form, and we will contact you to discuss availability and make your team’s booking.
Group Organiser's Name *
Availability *
*Due to the physical nature of working in the shelter, volunteer roles may involve significant amounts of manual handling, and a reasonable level of fitness is required. Manual handling includes sustaining repetitive movements of lifting/bending, pushing/pulling, twisting/turning and walking for extended periods of time. Some heavy lifting up to 15kg may be required.
Details for Tax Invoice & Payment

Please make sure the following details are correct.
I acknowledge that my organisation will receive an invoice for a financial contribution of a minimum of $800 (inc GST) or more, depending on the number of people who are booked in. I understand payment is within 14 day payment terms for hosting our volunteers.
I acknowledge the cancellation policy*
*50% fee for cancellations within 14 days of your booking. 100% fee for cancellations within 7 days of your booking.
Contact Name For Invoice *

Volunteer Application

"Thank you for your interest in volunteering with Second Chance Animal Rescue. Unfortunately, our volunteer applications are currently closed. Please check back later for future opportunities to join our team and make a difference!"

Date Of Birth
Is your tetanus vaccination up to date? *
Are you able to lift 10kgs comfortably and without injury?
Are you able to walk 3 kilometers comfortably and without injury?
Volunteering in the shelter is physically demanding, do you have any physical limitations that may prevent you from carrying out tasks, including, but not limited to: lifting, walking, reaching, writing, reading, cleaning?
Do you have a Working With Children Check?
Drag & Drop your Working With Children's CheckAccepted File Type PDF, JPG, PNG - Max Size 3MB
Do you have any prior convictions for fraud or offences involving animals or any other convictions other than minor traffic offences? (Australia or overseas)
Person to Notify in Case of Emergency

What days/hours do you have available for your volunteer commitment? Please note we ask for a minimum 6 month commitment on a weekly or fortnightly basis for the first three months.
How often are you available?
Are you available to work on public holidays?
Can you provide a minimum of 6 months commitment?
Volunteer Experience
Have you been involved with Second Chance Animal Rescue previously?
Are you currently a student at a Tafe/College/University?
Are you seeking work placement through Second Chance Animal Rescue as part of your studies?
Are you interested in assisting with volunteering your time and vehicle to drive critters and items for SCAR?
Do you have access to a reliable vehicle?
Do you have a current Victorian Licence?

Terms and Conditions *

Share Your Story

Tell Us Your Story:
Please upload any photos you wish to share with us of your pet:
Drag & Drop your Images hereAccepted File Types JPG, PNG - Max Size 3MB
Are you happy for us to share your words and images across our socials?
Second Chance Animal Rescue Volunteer Application

Personal Information

Please specify I.D type
Proof of current tetanus vaccination is required
Are you able to lift 10kgs comfortably and without injury?
Are you able to walk 3 kilometers comfortably and without injury?
Volunteering in the shelter is physically demanding, do you have any physical limitations that may prevent you from carrying out tasks, including, but not limited to: lifting, walking, reaching, writing, reading, cleaning?

Person to Notify in Case of Emergency


What days/hours do you have available for your volunteer commitment? Please note we ask for a minimum 3 month commitment on a weekly or fortnightly basis for the first three months.

Volunteer Experience

Are you interested in assisting with volunteering your time and vehicle to drive critters and items for SCAR?

Do you have access to a reliable vehicle?
Do you have a current Victorian Licence?


Corporate Volunteering Registration Form

Corporate Volunteering Registration Form

We are currently taking bookings for our Corporate Volunteering Program.

If you are interested in taking part, please complete the registration form below, and we will call you to discuss availability and make your team’s booking.

Group Organiser's Name
Group Organiser's Name
First Name
Last Name
I.e: Your preferred month to volunteer
*Due to the physical nature of working in the shelter, volunteer roles may involve significant amounts of manual handling, and a reasonable level of fitness is required. Manual handling includes sustaining repetitive movements of lifting/bending, pushing/pulling, twisting/turning and walking for extended periods of time. Some heavy lifting up to 15kg may be required.

Details for Tax Invoice & Payment

Please make sure the following details are correct.

I acknowledge that my organisation will receive an invoice for a financial contribution of $800 (inc GST) or more, depending on the number of people who are booked in. I understand payment is within 14 day payment terms for hosting our volunteers.
I acknowledge the cancellation policy*
*50% fee for cancellations within 14 days of your booking. 100% fee for cancellations within 7 days of your booking. Please refer to full cancellation policy above for more information.
Contact Name For Invoice
Contact Name For Invoice
First Name
Last Name
Organisation's Address to send Invoice To
Surrender Questionnaire
This series of questions is for us at Second Chance Animal Rescue to better understand the pet you intend to surrender. Please provide all the detail you can as this helps us determine what support we can provide you at this difficult time.
* Indicates required question

Type of Animal *
Is your pet desexed? *
What was your reason for surrender? *
For Dogs Only
How does your dog respond to people?
How does your dog respond to other dogs?
Does your dog display any behaviour issues such as:
For Cats Only
How does your cat respond to familiar people?
Does your cat get along with other animals?
Would you be interested in learning about our Owner Assisted program where you would be able to find a home for your pet whilst we list them for adoption for you?
Is the animal you are surrendering microchipped in your name?
Are you in the position to assist with veterinary or administrative costs to prepare your animal for adoption?
Drag & Drop your Images hereAccepted File Types JPG, PNG - Max Size 3MB

Sponsorship Contact

How you’d like to sponsor

Employment Application

Job Title - Pancake
Drag & Drop your ResumeAccepted File Type PDF - Max Size 3MB

Paws at Work Contact

Vet Contact

Training Team Contact


This form will assist our staff to determine if your pet may be suitable for our Owner Assisted Rehoming Program. Your honest answers are necessary to ensure that we can help. Thank you!
About Your Pet
Has your pet shown any of the following behaviours?
Drag & Drop or Click to upload a photo of your petAccepted File Type jpg, png - Max Size 3MB