Privacy Policy

Collecting Information

When we collect personal information from an individual, we will ensure that we do so in a fair manner. We will also let the individual know where and how to contact our organisation. We will only collect information that is necessary for one or more of our functions or activities.
Whenever we collect personal information from third parties, we will take reasonable steps to advise that individual as soon as practicable.
We will advise individuals of the purpose for which their personal information is collected, and of those third parties to whom their information will be disclosed.
If we collect sensitive information (as defined under the Privacy Act) we will treat it with the utmost security and confidentiality. This means that we can only collect the information for a particular purpose with your permission.
Where an individual chooses not to provide their personal details, we will advise that individual of what impact this non-disclosure may have. For example, withholding certain information may limit our ability to market relevant offers or services to individuals.
Omitting certain information from our Volunteer and Foster Care applications may render you ineligible to assist Second Chance.

Disclosing Information

We will only disclose personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act.
We will only disclose personal information under the following circumstances:
for the purposes for which we have advised that we are collecting it, and for related
purposes that the individual would reasonably expect,
where we have the consent of the individual to do so,
as required by law, or
under other circumstances where permitted under the Privacy Act.

Unauthorised Disclosure or Access

As Second Chance Animal Rescue Inc. is committed to protecting the privacy of individuals, we will view unauthorised disclosure of, or access to, personal information by our employees, contractors or agents, as a serious breach of this policy. Appropriate action (which may include disciplinary or legal action) may be taken in such cases.

Privacy Enquiries

Privacy enquiries or concerns can be directed to our staff at
You can obtain information on privacy issues in Australia by visiting the Australian Federal Privacy Commissioner’s website located at or by telephoning 1300 363 992.


Second Chance Animal Rescue Inc. recognises the rights of its employees, supporters and clients to Privacy. This policy document represents our commitment to respecting the rights of the individual with regard to privacy considerations and puts in place procedures to ensure that such rights are respected. The policy identifies those rights and our obligations to members, employees, volunteers, the community and government.


We recognise that your privacy is very important to you. We are committed to protecting the privacy of your Personal Information in accordance with the Federal Government’s Privacy Act 1988 (as amended by the Privacy Amendment (Private Sector) Act, 2001). The Privacy Act details National Privacy Principles that set minimum standards for how private sector organisations should collect, use, disclose, keep secure and provide access to Personal Information. We are committed to complying with the National Privacy Principles.
This policy also covers personal information that we have sourced from third parties.

Web Site Privacy Policy

The Personal Information we collect depends on the products and services you use or apply for. Typically the details we collect and hold include your name, contact details (address, phone and fax number, and email address) date of birth, gender and payment details.
We may also collect information that is specific to a particular product.
We do not collect “Sensitive Information”; unless it is necessary for the purposes of determining risk or for providing you with a specific product or service. In this event we collect Sensitive Information in accordance with the National Privacy Principles.
Where possible, you have the option of interacting with us anonymously. For example, you may visit and browse our website and use some of our online facilities without having to reveal any Personal Information.

Sending us an Email

You also may decide to send us personally identifying information, for example, in an electronic mail message containing a question or comment, or by filling out a Web form that provides us this information. We use personally identifying information from email primarily to respond to your requests. We may forward your email to other employees who are better able to answer your questions. We may also use your email to contact you in the future about our upcoming events that may be of interest.
If you sign up for one of our email lists, we won’t share your name or email address with any outside parties.