
October in Review

What a month we have had in October, living off the high of our $200k Pick My Project grant win and working away on our Community Animal Hospital plans like the busy bees that we are.

We had a number of great events, awards and grant opportunities that we were a part of over this month! Our inaugural SCAR Patrons evening went off with a bang this month, with a number of wonderful SCAR supporters jumping on board the patron bandwagon and donating towards the work that we do for animals in need. I would personally like to thanks all those that attended our this event at the lovely Clooney Kitchen & Bar and to everyone that helped make this night the huge success that it was. Our first event external outreach event was held in Bulla this month also, where we were able to provide free veterinary care to the pets of many disadvantaged owners. Our team coordinated free pet food and pet goods donations, free microchipping and vaccinations, free and discounted desexing vouchers for a number of pets and free health checks by our wonderful veterinary team. Thank you to everyone that made this day happen, you all made a huge difference in the lives of these animals and owners.


This month SCAR was also nominated for a number of awards and we were top 3 finalists in the Jetpets Companion Animal Rescue Awards 2018 for Outstanding Animal Shelter & Innovation in Rescue and top 5 finalists in the Hume City Council Business Awards 2018 for Customer Service. Even though we didn’t win these awards we are so happy to be acknowledged for the work we do for companion animals and their owners, it means that we as an organisation must be on the right path and gives us more to strive for in this field.

Dr Kylee and I are also currently training for our 72km fundraising walk from the SCAR Campbellfield shelter all the way to Mornington which is happening next Thursday 15th November… we might have sore feet for a few weeks after however we will hopefully raise some extra funding to put towards our animal hospital.

Until next month, Marisa


Intakes: 76
Adoptions: 56