
May / June News

There are 2 quotes that have recently been in the forefront of my mind as of late that sum up the last two months for me in a nutshell, ‘Nothing worthwhile in life is ever easy and nothing easy is ever worthwhile’ and ‘Life begins at the end of your comfort zone’. May and June have been exciting months at SCAR, but I would be lying if I said that I haven’t also felt my fair share of anxiety while trying to ensure that the current hospital project is running smoothly and according to plan – this is such a huge and important project for us!

Our new animal hospital set up is in full swing with the internal fitout now all framed and the plaster about to go up. This big dream of ours that we have been talking about for years is now finally about to come true and it is quite surreal that we are about to enter this new chapter! The job we have in front of us is as big as ever, but one thing I do know with absolute certainty is this… my team and I are committed to seeing this through to the very end! We will give everything we have to create this new facility to the best of our ability and offer the best possible service to those in our community that need it most, to help every animal we can to find their second chance at a happy life, to reduce the number of animals entering the pound system in the first place, to create social change via customer service and to spread our knowledge and experience about animal welfare throughout the community.

The next two months will be a little more hectic than usual at SCAR while we finish off the new site and start the moving process from Campbellfield to Craigieburn. We ask that everyone please be patient with us as we get through our large to do list. The current shelter will be open as normal for the time being and any changes to normal business hours will only happen closer to our moving time and will be communicated to the public via our social media.

Thanks again to every single one of our amazing supporters, volunteers, patrons and donors who have contributed in one way or another to helping us make this dream a reality… we really do have you to thank for this!!

Keep your eyes peeled on our social media sites for hospital site updates, upcoming working bee dates and info about the exciting official open day to view our new facility!

Chat soon, Marisa